Incentive Scheme Terms and Conditions

Referral incentive scheme policy

  1. This campaign is solely for referral and lead generation within Uyandiswa.
  2. To participate in the scheme, the candidate must clearly indicate on his or her letter of application or at interview that he or she has been informed about the vacancy by a named existing employee. No payment will be made if:
    • The same candidate’s CV has been or is received from a recruitment agency, or from any other employee. *Allocation will be given to the party who sends the applicant first.
    • The same candidate has sent in a speculative application or has applied for a job within the previous 12 months and is therefore already known to the Company.
    • No allocation will be granted to the person referring the CV if they are already in Placement Partner.
  3. Those not eligible to participate in the scheme are: directors, senior management, account managers, the hiring manager and employees involved in the decision to recruit, or who participate in the sales or interview process.
  4. Normal selection processes will be carried out in respect of all nominated candidates or referrals and the Company reserves the right to reject the referral.  No payment will be made in respect of unsuccessful applications.
  5. Payments to permanent employees or contractors on the Company’s payroll will be made through usual payroll and are liable for income tax.
  6. The Company will pay R5 000 to an employee (or contractor) who successfully introduces a new permanent recruit to Uyandiswa in response to internal or external advertisements (not including any Graduate Recruitment Programme). A payment of R3 000 will also be made to any employee (or contractor) who successfully introduces a Contractor to the team. This will be paid on the basis that the contract is for a minimum period of six months.
  7. The payment of R 5000 for a permanent referral and R 3000 for a contractor referral will be made upon satisfactory completion of three months of service.

Lead generation incentive scheme policy

  1. To participate in the scheme, the client’s contact details and the opportunity must be logged with the account team for your account. No payment will be made if:
    • The opportunity is already known or registered in the sales pipeline.
    • The opportunity is not clear, beneficial, profitable or worth winning for the Company.
  2. The Company will pay R4 500 to an employee (or contractor) who successfully introduces a new qualified client to Uyandiswa which results in the drafting of a Statement of Work with a value of over R500 000.
  3. A discretionary payment will also be made to any employee (or contractor) where the Statement of Work results in a Purchase Order for products or services.
  4. The Company reserves the right to amend or change the terms and conditions of these incentive schemes, we will communicate these changes via the Account team.

No payments will fall due or be payable by the Company under any circumstances after the date on which you give notice to terminate your Contract of Employment.